PBI Foundation awards the PBI Prize
PBI Foundation is awarding the Researcher of the Year Prize for excellent scientific research within management and organization studies. The prize is awarded in collaboration with Åbo Akademi University. The foundation´s board decides annually the specific theme and area from which the winner is selected. The PBI Prize is awarded for a publication, which has been published / accepted to be published the previous year in an internationally reviewed scientific journal or book.
The publication shall have been based upon research within the priorities of selected theme and area. The Dean of the Faculty for Natural Sciences and Technology and the Chairman for the PBI Foundation will hand out the prize. At the prize awarding event the winner will give a lecture on the content and significance of the awarded publication.
The prize can be applied by professors, post-doctoral students and doctoral students. The publication may have one or several authors. In the latter case the prize will be shared among the authors. Internationally reviewed publications are eligible for the prize.
Theme and area for 2025
The theme for the PBI Prize 2025 is on management research and organization studies within the areas of maritime, energy or infrastructure industry with a specific focus on sustainability.
One of the authors should be affiliated with Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, or some other research institute in Turku.
Proposals for the publication to be awarded shall be sent to the secretary of the prize board, Mikaela Funck. An electronic copy (PDF) of the publication and a brief statement of justification (max. 1 page) shall be attached to the proposal.
Application period is from 1st of March to 15th of May, 2025.
The prize is 5 000 Eur.
The funding organization is the PBI Foundation. The foundation is a non-profit organization with the purpose to enhance and support scientific research in company management and organization with special focus on international project activities.